Our friend Mike flies Apaches for the US Military, and out of the deep coolness of his heart took us out to see them up close and personal. Wow...! I've never really seen helicopters up close, and these guys are intense! Loaded with all kinds of guns, missiles, and other stuff that explodes, and only room inside for 2 pilots - one who drives and one who shoots. If they have to pick someone up in an emergency, they get clipped on the outside. Mike showed us all the gear, the fancy screens and buttons. I am amazed anyone can fly these things at all, much less know what button to push in a split second! He and Kristen's little daughter just crawled around happily nearby. Kind of an ominous photo! Their son Kevin, who is 2 can name all the helicopters, draw pictures of them and likes to tell random people about it too! We were at dinner together one night and he pointed at his tshirt and told the guy at the table next to us about how that's his dad's helicopter. It's an apache! So cute. We not only got to sit in the pilot's seat but even got to spend an hour in the training simulator. I think it would take a whole lot of practice before I could ever get one of those off the ground! Thanks Mike and Kristen for the awesome experience!
SERIOUSLY so awesome!!!
Ok why didn't you invite me?!? :P
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