What we've been up to...

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Spring in September - who ever thought

We started off September celebrating our 3rd anniversary. We always liked the idea of having a bonsai grow old along with us, so as a celebration of our love we are starting one from scratch. I'm also attempting to hatch some avocado seeds as pets. We had no toothpicks, but the neighbours were kind enough to give us a few flossing tools to use instead. With no balcony or garden space I'm desperate to grow something. I have to convince myself daily that we don't have space for a lime tree.

Hailey enjoying carrot beet apple juice cereal for breakfast

Our angel cakes is growing up and standing up too! She loves to play chase and knows to get low and look under things to see us around the corner. She started clapping this past week and claps in celebration regularly now. Even a cute toy will inspire clapping! Her crawl is beginning to become a crawl with both feet. An inbetween stage I guess! Here's a great shot of her beautiful front teeth.

We visited a petting zoo and she just loved the baby goats!

Some photos by the tulips at Floriade and a little chew on some delicious bark. Mmmmm!


Mary Perriton said...

I can't believe Hailey is standing. She looks so proud of herself! Love your bonsai!

mamapickle said...

Oh she looks so big now! Standing! Cutie patootie. I noticed the flossers right away and thought that was so clever. I remember Mom always trying to sprout avocado's and things in the kitchen.